AuditSense™ is a digital shadow system and associated simulation engine for bulk handling mobile machines; stackers, reclaimers and shiploaders. It is tailored to perform audit testing of stockyard Anti-Collision Systems (ACS) non-invasively, off-line and off-site. The benefits of AuditSense , as realized by a Tier 1 Mining Company, are elimination of hazards in testing, and the feasibility to perform exhaustive testing scenarios to identify hidden risks and enhance the operational safety of the mobile machines with zero impact on production. The convenience and cost-savings of the system has enabled sites to perform more frequent ACS testing for continuous peace of mind.
✓ Machine Availability
AuditSense™ saves at a minimum 12 hours of machine downtime per machine pair compared to traditional methods. Across multiple stockyards, the additional revenue is substantial.
✓ Increased Testing
More frequent audits (e.g. annually) and ad-hoc audits (e.g. testing prior to changes) than the current site testing schedule (3-yearly) can be easily performed.
✓ Improved Testing
The granular testing catches edge cases that would not be pickup up by the limited set of site tests that can be performed during a site audit schedule time window.
✓ Safer Testing
AuditSense™ eliminates the hazards and risks that site testing introduces to the plant under test:
– Software failures rely on operator intervention to prevent physical collisions between machines.
– Testing on site can require bridges in the PLC logic, which have been accidentally left in in the past, causing an actual collision.
✓ Improved Human Resourcing
Savings are realised as auditors no longer need to travel to site and technicians, operators and spotters are not needed to assist during audits.